Monday, April 8, 2013

Healthy Lifestyle

Since the beginning of this year, I have been on a mission to change my bad habits and live a healthier lifestyle. I have been taking one step at a time by making small changes in my eating and exercising habits in order to improve my overall health and fitness. By making those changes and reprogramming my mind, I have found success in weight loss.

This is not the first time in my life that I have lost weight. My weight has been a constant burden in my life for as long as I can remember. I have always been a "big" girl! I was never very active growing up and my eating habits were always horrible. It wasn't until I moved away to college that things began to change. From the time I went away to college until the year of 2010, I lost a good bit of weight. I wasn't exactly doing anything to lose the weight. My life happened to become busier and more active. I believe I was at about 216 lbs at my lowest. Then the Winter of 2010 came and Jacob died. :( After losing him, I started constantly gaining weight.

I tend to eat when I am upset, mad, stressed, bored, etc. EMOTIONAL EATER HERE! Well, I was most definitely going through a crazy roller coaster of mixed emotions over the years following that loss. I ate and ate and ate! The more I ate, the more the weight piled back on. Gaining all of that weight back made me feel absolutely miserable and gross. Fortunately, I had never suffered from a lot of health issues. However, that doesn't mean I wasn't in danger! Plus, I was feeling more lethargic and depressed with every pound I gained.

Something had to give!

I was at 265 lbs! I am not sure if that is the heaviest I have ever been, but I knew I would surpass that number if I continued on the path I was heading down. Finally, I reached a point where I had to take a stand against continuing down that path.

It was difficult to get started but I began making those small changes here and there. Along the way I have struggled with the mental battles of unbelief, doubt and negativity. I've wrestled with all of the voices in my head telling me that it was too hard and I couldn't do it; and I've fought all frustrations that have made me want to give up and quit. There have been days of disappointment and days when I have gotten off track/failed. Yet, I NEVER GAVE UP!


Currently, I am at 217 lbs and have lost a total of 48 lbs. I'm aiming at getting down to 150 lbs. I am not looking to be a size 0 or 2. My desire it to become healthier and stronger. Once I am at my goal weight of 150, I will have lost a total of 115 lbs. My goal now is to lose 10 more pounds by the end of the month. Overall, I still have 67 lbs to lose before I reach my goal weight.

It isn't always easy to stay on track. Changing old habits definitely takes a lot of self-discipline and motivation, There are still days that I am frustrated and feel like giving up. As I just confessed, there are times I do fail and there are disappointments along the way. There is not only a physical battle at hand, but there is a huge mental battle as well. The mental battle is the toughest! If I can overcome my head, then I can do so much more!

I have a long way to go still, but I'm heading in the right direction. I believe that God is leading me to have victory in this area of my life.

Since others have learned of my weight loss, I have been asked to share some advice/tips. The following are some tips based on what I have been doing.
-- eat more whole foods (fruits & vegetables, nuts/seeds, beans/legumes, whole grains)
-- canned/frozen fruits & veggies are ok if they're not packed full of sugar or sodium
-- eat leaner meats
-- eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks a day
-- don't skip meals
-- use portion control and eat slower
-- no late night snacking (try not eating after 8 PM)
-- watch sodium/sugar intake; cut the greasy and fried foods
-- cut back on eating out and try steering clear of fast food if you can
-- use healthier oils, dressings and sweetners
-- 5-6 days a week for 20-30 minutes a day
-- alternate between doing strength & cardio  
-- switch up your workouts (don't do the same thing all the time)
-- do some Yoga
-- go walking 30 minutes a day
-- get outdoors
-- don't forget to stretch
-- take time to rest
-- drink lots of water throughout the day
-- drink 1 cup of water before meals
-- if you want flavored water, use Crystal Light or something like that
-- also drink Green Tea (I drink a cup first thing in the morning and usually sweeten it with Stevia).
-- no sugary beverages
-- try to get at least 8 hours of sleep

-- make realistic goals
-- reward yourself when you reach your goals
-- pray



1 comment:

  1. Good job, Shay! That is AWESOME, and you can do it! The comic at the top makes me laugh, because I feel like that ALL the time these days. I've been on a mission to lose weight also, and people don't always understand. It really is not just a diet. Once I do lose all the weight I want to, I'm going to have to keep eating this way to maintain.
    I think one of the best things I've done is to give up all other drinks besides water. It's been about a month, and I finally don't crave coke anymore.
    I also avoid "sugar free" and "fat free" things like the plague. I saw a pin on pinterest that said whenever you see those words, think "chemical s**t storm" (sorry for the language!). Instead, I try to just eat very little added sugar at all (and carbs), but still eat plenty of healthy fats and even some unhealthy fats in moderation.
    Anyway, I think I'm going to set my goal to lose 10 pounds by the end of this month as well. Thanks for the motivation!! And keep going strong! It really is a mind game, especially for us emotional eaters :)
