Tuesday, July 2, 2013


If you've never heard of the Whole 30 or don't know much about it, you can check out more information here: http://whole9life.com/2012/08/the-whole30-program/

I first heard of the Whole 30 Program a while ago through a friend and it sparked my interest, so I did some research on the program. After reading through what the program entailed, I was still interested. However, with my small budget, I felt that I would not be able to follow this program. I still wanted to try it out though. Then I went grocery shopping ....

I hate grocery shopping! It stresses me out so badly because I am trying so hard to be healthy and stay on track within my small budget. It was already a challenge even before trying to buy foods from the Whole 30 approved grocery list. I changed my mind about trying the program after that shopping trip.

Even though I didn't make choices based on the Whole 30 list, I still purchased healthy items. I continued to eat healthy, exercise and lose weight. I had let the idea of doing the Whole 30 go until the same friend who "introduced" me to the program decided to give it another go. Once again, it grabbed my attention so I thought I would give it another shot also!

While my budget hasn't changed and I still get stressed out when shopping, I guess I still wanted to see what I could do this time around. I went shopping yesterday and my budget was cut even shorter because my deposit hadn't gone through yet. That did NOT help my stress levels at all! Thankfully, my dad loaned me some money to go and buy food. However, even with the set back, I somehow ended up making Whole 30 approved choices without much stress at all this time around.

Let me clarify that all my choices are not 100% organic, grass-fed or wild-caught. However, I do make those choices where I can. While I may not be able to follow the program 100%, it's still a great guideline to use. For the majority of my shopping I am sticking to the Whole 30 approved list which you can find here http://whole9life.com/book/ISWF-Shopping-List.pdf

Below is a list of my menu and workouts for today! I will try to post more of my daily menus/workouts throughout the week!


1 Egg scrambled with Spinach, Kale, chopped Jalapeno Peppers/Onions/Garlic, and sprinkle of cayenne pepper and Italian Seasoning
Blueberries on the side
A few walnuts and almonds
Salad with 1/4 or more cup each of the following: Spinach, Papaya, Pineapple, Mango, Kiwi, (I want to add sliced bananas next time) and drizzle canned unsweetened Coconut Milk on top
**there's another recipe that adds lime juice, brown sugar and some other items to the dressing but I only used the coconut milk**
1 banana
Grilled Chicken with Avocado Mango Salsa
(recipe found here http://cookeatpaleo.com/grilled-chicken-with-avocado-mango-salsa/)


1 comment:

  1. You are a GENIUS! Drizzling coconut milk on your salad! Girl, I've been eating no dressing and gulping it down... savoring every piece of fruit I could find! TOTALLY trying that like TOMORROW. SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!! :D :D :D My first week of doing it I lost like 4 pounds in like 4 days, and then I gained 1 back, and this week I weighed myself (after day 15) and I have lost about 6.5 pounds in just 15 days! So, just to warn you that it may fluctuate during the second week! I kinda remember that happening to me last summer, too! LOVE YOU! PRESS ON! :D Keep posting your recipes... you are so much more creative than I am. :D
